26 Şubat 2008 Salı

Surviving Halo 3

With the release of Halo 3, Bungie has now completed the Epic Halo Trilogy. Halo 3 concludes the tale for Master Chief and his alien sidekick Cortana. Bungie has certainly upped the ante when they made the final installment. A lot of the components of Halo 3 are familiar to old previous player, although some of the new weapons and terrains take some getting used to. In Halo 3, the Normal levels are easier than in Halo 2. This is because of Bungie’s effort to reach an audience of casual players. So, we suggest that if you have played Halo in the past (even in a Normal Level) try to challenge yourself and play Legendary or Heroic.

New challenges abound in the world of Halo 3. If you are new to the game or just haven’t played in a while, you are bound to start of your experience by dying frequently. To help you along, here are tips on surviving Halo 3:

Master your gadgets – With any game, you must know how to handle your weapons. Master it so that you can whip it out in a blink of an eye. It is also important to know which weapons you should use for a particular opponent. Halo 3 has a very useful feature - the dual wielding ability that allows you to handle two weapons at the same time. Master this feature and use it wisely.

Know your enemies – Like knowing your weapons you should also know your enemies. Some of them are easier to destroy than others. Some panic under pressure and others fall apart when you destroy the Brute leader. Another important tip when killing an opponent is to Aim for its Head. Hitting the head will require fewer shots from your part to take them down as compared with making body shots.

Get familiar with your surroundings – learn the ins and outs of your surroundings. Figure out where you can hide to shield yourself from enemy onslaught and try looking around to find bonus items you can use. Also, beware of the Skulls. The Skulls are important because they multiply your points, but they also have effects that range from helpful, or sometimes silly to downright frightening. Don’t hesitate to pick up a skull, they multiply points, just beware of their effects.

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